Part 4 of 4 - Donating medical supplies
If you have medical supplies that are not prescriptions like mobility equipment, incontinence supplies, cleaning supplies, or dental supplies, you can typically donate those to local aging services programs, medical equipment lending programs, or medical ministries.
These types of organizations help to fix up and clean equipment and then lend it out for free to people in the community who need it.
Even already open supplies, like a box of adult diapers or bed pads, can be donated to someone in need through these programs.
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Guest contributor: Jess McLean is a freelance writer based in Asheville, NC. She was a full-time caregiver for her Mom, Maria, who battled primary progressive MS and epilepsy for over 10 years. In her free time, you can find Jess blogging about caregiving tips, ideas, and solutions at
Original article on Caring .com
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